
Toronto Blue JaysWatching the (surprisingly strong) Toronto Blue Jays, I have found myself questioning why I still have to see, former Blue Jays’ catcher, Greg Zaun.  He’s an individual that I had always felt to be detrimental to the team.  Zaun batted a career .252 average, and was certainly not the strongest at throwing out base stealer’s.  


Do I dislike Zaun because of his sub-par performance? No. If this were the case I would take exception to many former and current Jays players. Instead my disappointment lies with the fact that Zaun was mentioned in the Mitchell report under suggested steroid use – something that has been made quite clear that the Blue Jays don’t want any part of.


When Greg finally left the Jays for good, I will admit, I was quite happy. Now, unfortunately, I actually have to listen to his analysis of my favourite baseball team.  Zaun’s opinion and suggestions for the Toronto Blue Jays roster just don’t seem to hold value to me. True, he has had first hand playing experience, but offers little solid advice.


At the end of Toronto’s baseball games, I sooner shut off the T.V – and turn on the radio to the Fan 590 to tune in to an analysis worthy of listening to by Mike Wilner. Perhaps Zaun may be a favourite in some households…but I’d far rather listen to someone with a proven track record of success…..might I suggest sweet swingin’ Joe???


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    Jose 13 years

    What does that say about a baseball player who took steroids and still wasn’t good? At least Clemens and McGuire made a mark in the league. This is like Glenn Healy or Nick Kypreos in the NHL, mediocre players who had no impact, analyzing the best in the world. Those who can’t play, coach, those who can’t coach, announce.